. Problogging Venture . Problogging Endeavor . Problogging Journey .

How to Start a Blog, How to Implement a Blog

Monday, November 2, 2009 @ 5:48 pm by ProBlogit.com

Are you looking for information on how to make money online blogging or how to earn money problogging or how to earn money from a blog or site. Or are you looking for information on how to start a blog and how to implement a blog?

If you are new in blogging and problogging, I recommend that you read the problogging summary guide to starting and implementing a blog. This particular blog entry will guide you on how to go about planning, starting, setting up, and implementing a blog.

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How to Get Indexed by Yahoo!

Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 6:38 pm by ProBlogit.com

I have written about the topic on how to get indexed by Google and Bing search engines, how to get indexed by Google, and how to get indexed by Bing, but have not written yet about on how to get indexed by Yahoo!.

In my experience, to get indexed by Yahoo! is not really that difficult. The difficult part is, how are you going to get the top spot on the search engine results page (SERP) of Yahoo! Search.

If you would like your blog or site to get indexed by Yahoo!, all you have to do is read the details at Yahoo! Search Submission page. You can then submit your site for free at the Site Explorer – Submit page or Site Explorer – Yahoo! Site Explorer page for inclusion in Yahoo! Search.


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Google Search maybe smart but not so intelligent

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 @ 9:38 am by ProBlogit.com

Google Search is maybe smart but it is not so intelligent. Google Search is not so intelligent enough to recognize which blog entry is the original article and not the original one. Google Search allows itself to be fooled by some blogs and sites which were publishing articles that were copied from other blogs and sites.

I have written before that Google crawls and indexes the site or blog any time it wants. Google Search will do whatever it wants, whenever it wants to crawl and index your blogs and sites. Sometimes you may influence the search results but you cannot really play a game with Google Search. But once in a while, you might actually be able to “game” Google Search.

I cannot tell you how to do it though as I do not play that kind of game. But let me show you an example how other blogs and sites may have played a game with Google Search concerning crawling and indexing and even taking the top spot on the search results page.

On September 02, 2009, I wrote this blog entry, Inverness, the Mouth of the River Ness in Scotland at Sofie Hofmann dot com. Yesterday, I saw that Google Search crawled and indexed another blog entry with the same title but with a different URL. The content on that site was copied from my blog entry, Inverness, the Mouth of the River Ness in Scotland which was published at Sofie Hofmann dot com.


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Goals, Priorities and Determination

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 @ 11:08 am by ProBlogit.com

If you set a goal and want to achieve that goal, set your mind into it and you will get it.

Ever since I came back from vacation in May, my priorities changed. I was again on vacation in July, so I was not able to write a lot on this blog. My priorities right now are more directed at my personal hobby which is golf. Problogging is taking a back seat at the moment and golfing is at the center stage.

I was a little bit hesitant to tell you the story of my golfing experience but I thought that sharing it with you would give you the same encouragement to achieve your goals. I am telling you this story because I always like to compare problogging from playing golf. The things that you need to achieve your goals be it in problogging or playing golf have similarities, that is if you are familiar with golf. If not, try to replace golf with your own game.

Whatever game you play, you need to set your goals. You need to set your priorities. You need determination, patience and perseverance to achieve those goals.

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How to Get Indexed by Google in 3 minutes

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @ 11:15 am by ProBlogit.com

How to get indexed by Google in 3 minutes? Is that possible? Yes, it is possible! How many times did I write on how to get indexed by Google as well as Bing? A few times, for the reason that I would like to show you that there is really no secret on how to get indexed by Google or by Bing. I wrote about it at How to Get Indexed by Google, Get Indexed by Google and Bing Search Engines, How to Get Indexed by Bing, and Got Indexed by Google and De-indexed by Google?.

Your blog or site could get indexed by Google within 3 minutes, 12 minutes, 12 hours, 3 months, or it could even take longer, or not get indexed at all. If you would like your blog or site to get indexed by Google, you have to learn how to optimize your crawling and indexing for Google. That is the fact and that is no secret.

On August 11, 2009, I wrote this blog entry How to optimize your crawling and indexing for Google which was published at 10:25am. Then I checked my Google Reader as I am monitoring and tracking other sites using several keywords. There I saw that at 10:28am, Google crawled and indexed the blog entry.


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