Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 10:25 am by ProBlogit.com
I already discussed about on how to get indexed by Google. This time though you would like to know how to optimize your crawling and indexing for Google.
One good thing about this topic is that, I do not have to write about it anymore. Google Webmaster Central created a very good and useful slide presentation on how to optimize your crawling and indexing for Google.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009 @ 11:30 pm by ProBlogit.com
How would you like to get your blog indexed by Bing? Although I am not a search engine optimization or SEO guru, I have observed a lot regarding search engine optimization since I started designing web sites and blog themes. Almost all the sites and blogs I created even those which were not promoted have been successfully indexed by Google as well as Yahoo Search.
Last week, I wrote about the topic on how to get indexed by Google. I did not exactly know how and when Google indexed the blog entries of Pro Blog it. I just know that I wrote quite a lot for ProBlogit.com and linked the blog entries if they were worth linking for, both internally (from this blog) and externally (from my other blogs) without using Digg, Reddit nor StumbleUpon. I have an idea how ProBlogit.com got indexed, I just did not want to sound too presumptuous that I know a lot about it.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 1:27 pm by ProBlogit.com
How to get indexed by Google? That was also my question, how to get Google to crawl and index Problogit.com. Actually, Google already have crawled and indexed the front page and other pages of this blog but not really the blog entries. I have seen a few of the blog entries that have been indexed by Google but not all.
I mentioned at the blog entry Prioritizing Maintaining Blogs and Sites that Google have not really indexed the blog entries of Pro Blog it and so I am redirecting my focus to my other blogs. I did not check Google before I wrote that blog entry if Google already indexed the blog entries only to find out today that Google have actually crawled and indexed the blog entries of Pro Blog it, ProBlogging Venture Tips and Ideas, Reviews and Opinions.
Get Indexed by Google
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Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 1:54 pm by ProBlogit.com
For the past few years I have been maintaing several blogs and websites for myself and other organizations. Blogging and web designing are just my hobbies. I never really thought of earning from those blogs and sites until I was given those opportunities. Then reading those stories about making money online problogging, I also decided to join the bandwagon this year. I launched ProBlogit.com as a ProBlogging Venture Tips and Ideas, Reviews and Opinions blog.
I made a decision and commitment to update this blog on a daily basis, and was able to share a few things of what I did, and will continue to share a few more things of what I am going to do along the way concerning problogging. As this problogging venture is an experiment which does not only involve this blog, I also started updating my other blogs which I have not been updating regularly to at least once a month. Then I also started updating the other blogs and sites at least once in two weeks. I was slowly making a habit to write content for my other blogs and sites until I went on vacation last month.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 3:18 pm by ProBlogit.com
Last Monday FedEx delivered a package for me but I was not able to get it. FedEx left a note where to call to schedule another delivery. They also called up but I was on the other line so I was not able to talk to the caller. I was already wondering who could possibly sent me a package because I did not receive any notice from my family or friends to expect any package.
The next morning I called the toll free line of FedEx. Upon hearing the prepared instructions, I thought I had to pick up the package as I heard nothing about new delivery but a new pick up schedule. I just dialed the number for pick up and when I asked the lady that FedEx told my husband to call to schedule another delivery, she said the package will in fact be going to be delivered to me. I asked the lady from whom was the package but she only said about Leed’s and it had something to do with electronics.
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